by Whipple Mercado | Aug 20, 2021 | Divorce
The term narcissist is widely deployed as a term for someone who is too full of themselves. You might spot a muscular fellow at the beach who makes sure to catch glimpses of himself any chance he gets in the side view mirror of a car as a classic narcissist, but that...
by Whipple Mercado | Aug 10, 2021 | Divorce
The decision to get a divorce is never arrived at easily, and the process itself can be long, complicated, and emotionally draining. If you are considering a divorce, there are some things you can do now to help you get organized. Below you will find divorce tips from...
by Whipple Mercado | Jul 20, 2021 | Divorce
Are you wondering if it’s time to call a divorce lawyer? Despite your hopes and dreams in the beginning and your good intentions now, it seems impossible to continue your marriage. For many of us, talking to divorce lawyers and the notion of “till death do...
by Whipple Mercado | Jul 10, 2021 | Divorce
Finding a divorce attorney is easy. Finding the right divorce attorney is the trick. Are there some obvious and not so apparent red flags that you hired the wrong lawyer? Absolutely. When most people embark on divorce and need to find a divorce attorney, they call...
by Whipple Mercado | Jun 24, 2021 | Divorce
What are the key reasons that women so often prefer a female divorce attorney? Selecting the right family law attorney to represent you can be harder than it sounds. You need a divorce lawyer you can rely on to guide you through what is often a very painful and...
by Whipple Mercado | May 24, 2021 | Divorce, Separation
File for a domestic violence restraining order will vary by state. In fact, each state has its own rules and requirements when it comes to filing for a protection order. If you think you need a domestic violence restraining order, consider these key points. What is a...