Pre Marital Agreements
Pre Marital Agreements
Crafting A Premarital Agreement That Is Right For You
Premarital or prepartnership agreements, also known as prenuptial agreements or “prenups,” determine how assets, debts and support are to be divided and managed after dissolution, before the marriage or domestic partnership is entered into.
A premarital agreement is considered a contract between marrying parties that contemplates the possibility of divorce and must be executed according to California law.
Typically, premarital agreements cover a variety of topics but mainly operate to protect the existing separate property of each party, dictate future financial support rights during and after marriage, and protect certain property before one spouse chooses to enter into a risky investment or a new career.
At Whipple, Mercado & Associates, LLP, we realize that these legal explanations aren’t the most romantic — but we urge our clients to be realistic, so that rights can be protected and interests safeguarded if a marriage ends in divorce.
Our divorce and family law attorneys have years of experience that can benefit you today, tomorrow and in the future — before, during and after a marriage or divorce.
Contact our Alamo family law lawyers to arrange a free initial consultation. Call Whipple, Mercado & Associates, LLP, today – 925-344-5050 locally or 800-708-3761 toll free. We respond promptly to all email messages and phone calls.